“You’re Never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream”
– C.S. Lewis
Day one, or One Day, the choice is yours!
Sacred Quest Life Coaching is committed to helping you make positive changes that support and enhance your well-being with our 90-day programs in the following 4 spheres of life:
- Spirituality
- Love & Relationships
- Career, Calling, & Vocation
- Wealth & Financial Peace
“What you seek is seeking you.” -Rumi
- Spiritual Bootcamp: in this 90 day intensive coaching program the coaching client will explore their spiritual yearnings and dynamics and growth in the following areas, connection, trust, community, gratitude, surrender, and action. Deeper connection and a robust spirituality await.
- Religious Deconstruction and Spirituality Reconstruction: this 90 day intensive coaching program is for those who may consider themselves spiritual but not religious, and/or those who have left the church or are considering leaving, and/or those who have experienced toxic religion and are attempting to reconstruct a healthy faith, and/or for “former fundamentalists” and “ex-vangelicals.”
Love & Relationships
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
- 90 Days to Deep and Meaningful Relationships: this 90-day intensive will transform individuals so that they can form and experience deep, meaningful, and lasting relationships. This coaching program can also be tailored for couples who wish to enhance their relationship together.
Career, Calling, & vocation
“When the path we are on is right for our souls–the energy is there.” – James Hollis
- Career Fulfillment and Transformation: this 90-day program will focus on helping the client create and experience a life worth living. Vocation can be life-giving, exciting, meaningful, rewarding, difference-making, and fun.
Wealth & Financial Peace
“Contentment is the only real wealth.” – Alfred Nobel
- The Total Money Makeover: this 90-day program will focus on transforming your relationship to money. Finances don’t have to be stressful and worrisome. You will experience financial clarity, freedom, and peace.