Being human is a Sacred Quest–a journey of becoming. Spiritual Direction and Coaching are like having a seasoned traveler with you on your sacred quest–attending with you to your holy longings and desires, as you learn to listen to your soul. This truly is a “journey of a lifetime! Our journey often takes us through deep, dark valleys and along high mountain peaks. We accompany you on your journey by offering Spiritual Direction, and also Life and Health Coaching services, so that you may live your fullest and truest life. Take the first step today!
“A good journey starts with knowing where we are and being willing to go someplace else.” –Richard Rohr
Sacred Quest–a journey worth taking.
Are you willing? Are you ready?
Take the first step today!
become your best self
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is having a spiritual friend and companion on your journey of discovery and growth.
This is your life. Live the very best version of yourself. Write your own story, and bring it to life off the page.